Thursday, May 12, 2016

--Coach Cap's Random Thought for The DAY: Learn to Love the Burn

Are you one of those kids who skips training or running for any little thing because they seem like work? At the first excuse you run and hide?

I say, learn to love the burn.

If you are serious about being an athlete,
learn to love the burn - the grind - the strain or training.

Relish it, embrace it, savor it.

Think of it this way: to eat the best steak you ever have (Be a great athlete) you have to lift a 300 pound fork or run 10 - 100 yard sprints to get to the fork. But then, you get to eat the best steak you've ever had. (Or cupcake or whatever.)
But you DO have to lift that fork - or no steak. SO why not love lifting the fork too? How much better will life be and better tasting the meat if you love lifting the fork too?

It IS up to you. You can complain or run from lifting the fork every time... but that is a lot of wasted time. And if you aren't eating.... I won't even go there.

Love the burn and love the results.

No rewards without hard work - NONE!

So love it.

--Coach Cap's Random Thought for The DAY

PS we don't say 'Hard' at workouts, we substitute that word with 'FUN!'

Try it. "Oh my God flipping that 900 pound tire looks 'FUN!'

I'm going to eat a steak now, and then a cupcake! I earned them both!

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