Friday, February 10, 2017

25 Tips for a Bigger Raw Deadlift by Adam Pine

Getting a big deadlift is simple, but not easy. Nothing fancy is needed. Shy away from gimmicks, pound the basics, and train hard. Develop the right mindset, build better technique, and use proper programming. As an experienced strength coach and powerlifter, with a deadlift of 750 pounds, I want to pass along 25 tips for building a brutally strong raw deadlift.
1. Attack the bar. No second-guessing, no hesitation. The bar will expose these things. It’s never a question of if it goes up — it’s only a matter of how fast it will go up. Be confident, aggressive, and attack violently.
3. Technique first. Work on technique before loading a ton of weight on the bar. Poor form can lead to injuries and plateaus. Longevity is the name of the game — nothing halts progress faster than an injury.
4. Keep it simple. No need to bombard yourself with cues and bog yourself down. The deadlift absolutely requires technique, but it’s a fairly low-skill lift compared to the Olympic lifts, or even the squat and bench press. Use cues that help you lift more efficiently and explosively. If your goal is to lift as much as possible, you don’t want to worry about feeling it in certain muscles. This will only slow you down. The objective is to get the bar from Point A to Point B as efficiently as possible. Cue: SPEED!

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