STRONGMAN Variation SET: Deadlift: 3 x 20 (Deficit, Rack Pull, Reg.)
STRONGMAN SUPER SET: Leg Press Dog Sled Routine 2x50
STRONGMAN SET: LANDMINE Clean & Press 3 x 20/Rows 3x10
STRONGMAN SET: STAIR SPRINTS 10 x 1 Flight (Pump Your Arms!)
STRONGMAN SET: Dips/Chin Machine Super Set: 3 x 20
Assist Lifts:
--CAP'S Cable Lat Pull Down Circuit: 3x 20/20/20/20/ Zombie x 20
--CRAZY! Med Ball slams/Wall Toss Supers Set 3 x 20 (If you are not yelling and growling... you will be).
--Seal (or Plate) Circles each side 3x10
--Hallway: Weighted Turkish Get-ups 3 x 10 each side.
--Abs: Leg Pushdows 10 to each direction (30 reps)/6 inches 1 Minute (3 Reps)
--Wrist Curls/Grip Work 3 x 20
--Neck Work w Partner (Mandatory for Football)
DAY B Winter Workout D-Load
STRONGMAN Variation SET: Bench Press 3 x 20 Wide, Close, Normal)
STRONGMAN SET: Bulgarian Bag Stair Hops 6 Flights (Race)
STRONGMAN SET : LANDMINE Triple Press 3 x 20/Russian Twist 3x10
STRONGMAN SET: Split Squat 3 x 20 / Single Leg Hip Bridges 3 x 20
Assist Lifts:
--Incline DB Bench Press/Incline Curl Super Set: 3 x 20 reps each
--Walking Pushups/ Power Front Kick 3x20
--Qi Power Punch 3x20 each side/Prowl Half-Hallway Super Set
--Hamstring Curl Machine/Calf Raises 3 x 20 each
--Cable Triceps Push-downs/Cable Biceps Curls Super Set 3 x 20 each
--Single DB Cap Curl/Tri Press 3x10
--CRAZY! Heavy Bag ELBOWS! (If you are not yelling and growling... you will be).
--Neck Work w Partner (Mandatory for Football!)