Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Deadlift Basics from Bodybuilding.com

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Deadlift means to take a barbell from the floor to resting around hip level. First, stand behind a barbell that is placed on the floor in front of you. Place your hands about shoulder width apart, usually the right overhand and the left underhand, lift the bar by pushing your legs through the floor, while maintaining your chin up (face directly in the mirror) and chest up. Do not, sway your back or lift the bar off the floor by locking out your legs so your back is bent over the bar. Wrong! Maintain the erect position, chin up and chest up pulling all the way up till you are at arms length the bar is stopped at thigh level.
And most importantly do not "Shrug" or lean backward. That is another wrong element people do in the movement. Now return the bar to the floor. Not very descriptive? I hope so. Thought that was simple? Well we've just made it harder. There are 2 variations of deadlift to describe conventional, and sumo.


Your stance is about shoulder width apart with your feet pointed ahead. You should now lower your butt until your quads are roughly parallel to the floor. The bar should be just ahead of your shins. Now grip the barbell with both hands so that your grip is spaced slightly outside your legs. With a slight arch in your back push with your legs so that the bar clears your knees and comes to rest at your upper thigh. During the entire attempt make sure your arms are hanging to your sides, never pull the weight with your arms or you might encounter a biceps tear, and that's not fun. Your shoulders and knees should be locked and your arms should be hanging straight upon completion.


This variation is often used to reduce stress on the lower back. The difference between the sumo and conventional styles is the foot positioning, grip and starting pull. In sumo you place your feet out wide near the plates typically about 3 inches from the plates. Your grip comes inside your legs. Your hands should be in the center of the bar about 6-10 inches apart. In this position your back should be straight. Sumo style requires glute, hamstring and hip flexor strength.


The bar should start about 1" away from your shins and stay this far away until you clear your knees. Though this is sometimes hard to do, and resulting in ripped up shins. With heavier weight the bar will drag against your thighs. Remember to push with your legs.


There are two styles of grip for deadlift... the overhand and the alternate grip. In the overhand grip both palms of the hands face the floor with the thumbs underneath the bar. The biggest problem with this grip style is that with heavier weights the bar tends to slip from the hands. This is why many deadlifters prefer the "over and under" method. This method places one hand supinated (palm toward the ceiling) and the other is pronated (towards the floor.) Helping the bar from less slippage. I personally don't use wrist straps. But, that's because I'm an old powerlifter. I use lots of chalk. Your gym doesn't allow chalk, probably most places are to pretty and lazy to clean their gyms. Sorry, that's another article. But, you can use straps. So, if you do choose to use straps in the deadlift I suggest getting some wrist straps there great!


Now that the bar is correctly aligned and you've chosen your stance its time to move that bar. You should be in a squatting position with a good arch. Do not round or flatten your back at any time! This is very important. If you round or flatten your back on the initial pull or to get that last rep you're risking a serious injury that might set you back months or totally end your weightlifting career. If you cannot do deadlifts with good form then do not do them, period.
A good tip to do is to elevate your eyes and look at a point about 6" above you or as I say, "keep your chin up!" Now drive your feet into the floor and push with your legs. Keep your arms locked at all times throughout the movement. Lock the legs at the top of the lift. Lower the weight with the legs and back in a controlled manner just like you started.
How do you train the deadlift? With a 12-week plan working on developing more hamstring strength and lower back strength. This system will be a constantly revolving system of training. You will do core training exercises every three weeks and rotate those exercises each week. This method of training is called the supermaximal method.


Do not pull when you have a pinch in the lower back. It's only a twinge. Yeah right, I have had so many lower back injuries that I have learned my lesson and watch for warning signs that my back could go at anytime. There were times when my pain was so intense that I couldn't even get out of bed without biting the pillow to death. So, I have become accustomed to recognizing that specific feeling. The feeling that something in my lower back is on the verge of making life miserable.
I used to ignore these things, being a scholarship football player you play with pain if you want to keep that ride. But, I'm not on scholarship anymore and do not have to take the pain or suffer the consequences. So, when that little voice in your head says, "don't be stupid," you might want to listen. Because you want to be able to pull on another day, not ever!


  • Do not round your back in any deadlifting movement. This will make your back vulnerable to injury if you do so. Concentrate on keeping the back arch, chest up and chin up, and eyes focused looking straight ahead.
  • Do not jerk the bar up your thigh. The movement should be smooth from top to bottom.
  • Do not tip forward or move your feet during this lift. If you do you could be risking a serious back injury. Push your feet through the floor and keep the weight as close to your center of gravity as possible.
  • Do not hitch the bar. This means do not jerk the bar up and down in the middle of the movement in order to lock it out at the top.
  • Do not let your knees bow in and out during this lift. Lateral movement is dangerous for the knees.
  • Do not go heavy at first. When I first did deadlifts I used 135 pounds concentrating on technique and my form while training my spinal erectors doing good mornings, and other lower back work.

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