Friday, October 2, 2015

33 Reasons to Train Strongman by Coach Chet Morjaria

33 Reasons to Train Strongman

Strongman training is about true functional strength. It is about lifting heavy, awkward objects (like those you encounter in life) and getting them from A to B - whether that is from the ground to overhead, or from one end of the room to the other. Strongman is about getting you strong to a degree that you never thought possible.

Here are 33 simple reasons why you should train strongman:

  1. Moving Heavy Loads Over Long Distances, Quickly - This is strongmanand the foundation of functional movement.
  2. Keeping it Real- Real objects, real challenges, real grit. Strongman is the real deal.
  3. strongman training, strongman workouts, strongman strength, strongmanPrimal Movement - All primal movement patterns are covered - pushing, pulling, lunging, squatting, bending, twisting, and walking - with load. Lifting odd loads and performing these movements is in our DNA.
  4. Farmer Strength - Strongman builds that strength you wish you had. Raw, slightly unnerving, old school, brute strength that can only be built out in the real world - or through strongman training. It’s that edge to your strength that can only be gained through working with odd objects.
  5. Carries - Loaded carries are a staple of strongman. Carries should be a staple of everyone’s strength training. Therefore logic dictates that everyone should do strongman!
  6. Carryover - The carryover from strongman training to other strength training is huge. Squatting will not necessarily improve your yoke carry. But carrying a yoke will improve your squat.
  7. Enjoy Yourself - It’s hard. It’s heavy. It often involves blood, sweat and tears. But when all is said and done, it is fun. Not just the fun-after-it’s-over type of fun. Strongman is this-is-seriously-fun type of fun.
  8. Gain Muscle and Lose Fat - At the same time. Yes, it is possible.
  9. Surprise Yourself - You can carry more weight on the yoke than you have probably ever had on your back before. You can carry more weight on farmer’s walks than you have probably ever picked up off the ground before. Break down those mental barriers - your body can lift more than you think.
  10. No Negative - One of the positive aspects of many strongman training movements (such as sled pulls) is that there are no negative/eccentric aspects, making these exercises relatively easy to recover from.
  11. What Did You Do this Weekend? - “How was your weekend?” “Pretty good, I put three times my bodyweight on my back and took a walk with it. How was yours?” ”Um...”
  12. The Clue is in the Name -It’s STRONGMAN. It gets you STRONG.
  13. Body Blast - Nothing blasts the central nervous system quite as much as shifting heavy loads quickly over distance. Don’t believe me? Try doing high-volume yoke carries.
  14. strongman training, strongman workouts, strongman strength, strongmanStep Away From the Barbell - The barbell is an incredible strength training tool, partially because of its uniformity. However this is also its downfall. Strongman techniques are varied and non-uniform. Use strongman training to mix up the objects you train with to provide a bridge between the barbell and the world.
  15. Strongman on a Shoestring - Sure, it’s nice to have the toys. But strongman can be done with a simple formula of minimal kit, minimal fuss - and maximal attitude.... TO READ the FULL ARTICLE: CLICK HERE<

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