Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Exercise Can Help the Grieving Process

Our hearts go out to all touched by the recent tragedy. For those of you looking for help with the grieving process, continue your normal workout routine. I have personally had much loss in my life, and I found that working out was one of the best ways to lift my spirits. The release of endorphins and increased blood flow to the brain give you a mental boost, elevate mood. The focus on the task at hand allows you to take your mind off of things and the sense of accomplishment you receive after intense physical activity are very uplifting as well.

There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but through my many tragedies in life I have felt that a grueling weightroom session has helped me immensely, and maybe it will help you as well. If you need further assistance, please speak to your family, friends, coaches and counselors. Always know someone will listen.

-Coach Cap

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